Amanani wokushintshaniswa kwemali yeDividenti
I-21273 idijithali yemali idatha yesikhathi sangempela.
Ama-rate wokushintshwa kwe-izimali zeDividenti

Idijithali yemali yedijithali

Umbala wokubala wedijithali

Ama-charts amanani wemali edijithali ephilayo

Amashadi edijithali lwemali

Idijithali lwemali yesilinganiso

Intengo ye-Idijithali yemali namuhla

Ukukhishwa kwe-idijithali yemali engcono kakhulu

Izimakethe ze-Crypto

Ikhamera ye-izimali zeDividenti yemakethe

Crossing the Yellow Blocks ikhanda lemakethe

Crossing the Yellow Blocks ivolumu yokuthengisa namuhla nedatha yomlando ye-Crossing the Yellow Blocks imali enkulu kusukela ekuqaleni kokuhweba emakethe yokushintshaniswa kwe-izimali zeDividenti.

Crossing the Yellow Blocks izimali ezinkulu

Imali yamakethe yanamuhla ye Crossing the Yellow Blocks yi 68 093 039.28 US dollar .
+1 484 714.32 $ (+2.23%)
ukuguqulwa komnotho kusukela izolo

Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalisation online online ngamadola. Iwebhusayithi yethu ithatha imininingwane ye- Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalization yanamuhla emithonjeni evulekile. Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalization yanamuhla kwiwebhusayithi yethu ukuze ibhekwe. Crossing the Yellow Blocks, capitalisation - 68 093 039.28 amadola aseMelika.

Crossing the Yellow Blocks ivolumu yokuhweba

Ivolumu ye- Crossing the Yellow Blocks yanamuhla i- 2 675 359.65 US dollar .
-840 487.58 $ (-23.91%)
ushintsho lwevolumu yezohwebo kusukela izolo

Crossing the Yellow Blocks ivolumu yokuhweba namuhla - 2 675 359.65 amadola aseMelika. Crossing the Yellow Blocks kwenzeka ekushintshanisweni okuhlukahlukene kwe-idijithali yemali. Ishadi lokuhweba nsuku zonke le- Crossing the Yellow Blocks likuwebhusayithi yethu. Inani lawo wonke ama- Crossing the Yellow Blocks ama-crypto akhishwe (Crossing the Yellow Blocks cap cap yemakethe) inyuke ngo- $ 1 484 714.32.

Crossing the Yellow Blocks ishadi lesikhwama semakethe

Crossing the Yellow Blocks ngeminyaka. 3.64% ngesonto - ushintsho ekwamukelweni kwemali emakethe Crossing the Yellow Blocks. Ngonyaka, Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalization isishintshwe yi- 42.18%. Crossing the Yellow Blocks, capitalization manje - 68 093 039.28 amadola aseMelika.

Crossing the Yellow Blocks umlando wemali enkulu

Usuku I-Capitalization
I-Capitalized ye- Crossing the Yellow Blocks - isamba semali yonke ye-cryptocoins Crossing the Yellow Blocks encane yezimayini.
26/04/2024 68 093 039.28 $
25/04/2024 66 608 324.96 $
24/04/2024 69 491 855.55 $
23/04/2024 70 692 858.82 $
22/04/2024 69 457 012.49 $
21/04/2024 70 431 802.47 $
20/04/2024 65 704 277.12 $

Ishadi levolumu ye-Crossing the Yellow Blocks

Crossing the Yellow Blocks idatha yomlando wevolumu

Usuku Ivolumu (24h)
Umqulu wokuhweba we- Crossing the Yellow Blocks - inani lemali emaRandi ase-US ukuze wonke amadili angu-Crossing the Yellow Blocks amathengi athengwe futhi athengiswe ngosuku olukhethiwe.
26/04/2024 2 675 359.65 $
25/04/2024 3 515 847.23 $
24/04/2024 15 353 320.53 $
23/04/2024 2 547 066.41 $
22/04/2024 3 827 783.69 $
21/04/2024 6 168 655.56 $
20/04/2024 3 630 982.58 $

Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalization e- 26/04/2024 ifinyelela kuma- 68 093 039.28 amadola aseMelika. Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalization e- 25/04/2024 ilingana no- 66 608 324.96 US dollars. Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalization ifinyelela ku- 69 491 855.55 amadola aseMelika ku- 24/04/2024. 23/04/2024 Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalization ifinyeleleka 70 692 858.82 amadola aseMelika.

Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalization yemakethe yi- $ 69 457 012.49 ku- 22/04/2024. 21/04/2024 Crossing the Yellow Blocks capitalization ilingana 70 431 802.47 amadola aseMelika. Ukweqiwa kwemakethe kwe- Crossing the Yellow Blocks kufinyelele ku- 65 704 277.12 amadola aseMelika ku- 20/04/2024.